Awards Received by Floppy Sprinkler
1989 South A. Plastic federation award
1990 South African Civil Engineering Award.
1991 Cullinan Award in South Africa.
u 2000 Thanks and presentation from the irrigation fair in Australia.
2001 Eskom ETA Award in South Africa.
2002 Award from the World Bank in America.
2003 Silver Medal from the Institute of Irrigation in South Africa.
2003 Best 100 High-Tech Invention Award in South Africa.
2004 Top 100 National High-Tech Inventions of South Africa.
2004 Eskom ETA Award in South Africa.
Feasibility of Floppy Sprinkler
- The Floppy Sprinkler system has been tested by an independent agency “Institute of Agricultural Engineering” in South Africa for cultivated lands that will be planted in the future under the risk of water shortage, which has proven that the system achieves significant savings in energy and water consumption compared to other known conventional irrigation systems, and contributes to doubling agricultural production It achieves savings in the use of labor and system maintenance costs in all types of poor, desert and sandy lands
- For all of these advantages, Seoul Agricultural Company has been limited to being the exclusive agent for Floppy Sprinkler in the Gulf region and Yemen. It has also signed cooperation protocols with international companies such as the South African Geo Farm Company and the Swedish IRRIOT Company, so that the region enjoys the best global irrigation systems and achieve sustainable development and preservation. on our natural resources.